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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Life Ed - [Harold The Girraffe]
I remember when I used to get visits from life education. All sweet and cheerful, learning about the human body was fun. But the last three times that we went inside the caravan were all about the affects of alcohol and drug usage. The "Web of Addiction" is what the alcohol and drug usage terms are better referred to. Micelle our Life Ed Tutor had been talking to us about why alcohol has different effects on our body and mind. My message for all of this was to get young people "Delay our Decision".
A drug is basically something that isn’t water, food or oxygen. It can change the way your body moves and works. An easier example for this is when your friend may ask you to take off your clothes and run around the school naked your first reaction would be to deny it and just think: “Everybody would laugh at me. That would just be stupid”. But when drugs or alcohol are in your body’s functional systems your first reaction would be: “Omg! [Oh My Gosh!] That would be so funny! Let’s Do it!”
There are seven steps to the puberty ladder. You may not know it but some of your friends may already be on different stages on the puberty ladder. The oldest age you could start on the puberty ladder is 15, the youngest is possible 9. So be kind to everyone, even though you may not be able to solve their family problems, or their difficulties you can make it better with a smile! So Smiley’s To ALL OF YOU OUT THERE!! : :D :] =] xD =D ;] ;) :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hoceky "GOAL!!!!"
Hehehe Until Next Time Cyah Again Later!! ♥♥♥
P.S: Ahww AC I hope you feel better [Some-one hit AC's thumb
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Scientific Investigation
- What do you want to find out?
- Why do you want to do the experiment?
To create different crystals using different types of salts.
- What do you think will happen?
- Make an educated guess from the background research you have done
My Hypothesis Is:
I do think the salts will create the different crystals because not all salts have the same ingerdients used to create them.
- Find out and list all the equipment and resources you need
1. Different Salts
2. Spoons
3. Paper Towel
4. Boiling water
5. Measuring Cup
6. Heat Proof Glass jar
7. Mirror - Chemicals
- Give the instructions clearly and concisely to your experiment in order, so that someone else can repeat it.
1. Create to sets of crystals using the same salts and wait for crystals to form
2. Using the research I have already gotten test out the crystals I've created
Ect. Ect.
Science Fair 4
For people that are interested this is the definition of a crystal:
A crystal is a solid material that is consisted of molecules formed in a repeating pattern.
My procedure for my project is going to consisit of:
1. Create and wait for the crystals to emerge and form
2. Make another set of crystals using the same salts that were used to make the first set
3. Reasearh the different types of crystals and test out the ones I've made.
4. Go to a specialist and ask them wether a crystal can be transformed into a mirror.
5. If so I will ask how it can be done and then maybe create my own mirror using the crystals I've made.
So far my log book is up to date with everything I have done and reasearched for Science Fair!! :]
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Science Fair - 3
Guess what people of this world?? I've done it [once again]. I have finally decided that I am not going to doing a project on Computer science anymore, instead I'm going to do it on "Will Different Salts Produce Different Crystals?" Because I have a total interest in salt [NOT!] I'm going to take this project a step further by turning the salt crystals into a basic mirror that you could use in your normal day. xD Can't wait to get started [again] Wish Me Luck!! :D
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Science Fair 2
- What are viruses and how do they work?
- What "WWW" search engine works best?
- Develop a computer program design to solve some mathematical equations
- Design a computer mouse for people who don't have arms/hands.
- How do web pages work?
- Micro- computer games for the blind.
- Create a computer program that gives people information based on their birthday
- Life and death of a network virus
- Does the temperature affect the performance of the computer components?
- Determining which computer is fastest for different types of programs
- Can computers stimulate a form of artificial life?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
!!Science Fair!!
- What are the most versatile aquatic plants?
- Is time travel going to say a mere dream?
- How do virus's work and destroy?
- Does the color of a room affect human behavior?
- Does rock/heavy metal music effect the rate at which a termite chews?
- What is nuclear activity and how can it be prevented?
- What type of herbal homemade medicine works best on infection?
- Does plant growth differ in varying temperatures?
Monday, May 31, 2010

I play hockey for our school team, and for our last game I got to be a goalie. For me personally I would prefer being a filed player rather than a goalie but everyone had to have their turn so I Took One For The Team!(haha!) Truthfully I didn't like being a goalie, for one I didn't get to run and what the most scariest of all was that when the other team were trying to get a goal it would be up to you to stop it. "No Pressure". When being a goalie you have to use (mainly) your feet to stop the ball because apparently "it's easier". I failed to listen to this command on several occasions. When you're running on the turf (field) and the ball hits your foot the ref. blows the whistle, I've gotten used to keeping my feet out of the ball's way. This was another minus point for me.
I have been playing hockey since last year and am enjoying it a lot. I have seen a vast improvement in my skills and can hit the ball with more accuracy! For the game I was a goiale I score was 1-1. I saved 2 goals (with my stick) and got player of the day!! :D
Panpan and Brooke have been playing since last year as well. =] If only I had their skills along with mine! I could be in the reps. (not really)!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Aquacise - Sports Options

For our third session we learnt about basic river safety. These are just a couple of things that we learnt during a quarter of that session:
- Wearing baggy clothing whilst swimming in the river or lake is a hazard when you are trying to stay safe.
- In emergency stay calm and keep together if you're in a group. Swim with your feet first so that there's less injury to your head if you collide.
- Always swim when an adult is present so that they can come to your rescue when you may fall in harm.
The inflatable boat was just as fun. Our group (Prapitha, Hine, Brooke, and Laura) were to get into the boat and paddle into the middle of the pool. After doing so we all had to sit on the same side and lean back , doing this to "mistakenly" tip the boat over. Our task was to get back into the boat using team-work. This happened quicker than I expected. When I finally did get into the boat I managed to make an ex-extraordinary landing waving my legs into the air in all different fashions.
Doing this was So0o0o0 Much Fun!!! Can't Wait Until Next Time! ☺☺☺

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
This is our (BG and PR) second Chinese Dialoude Video. Since last term we have been learing Chinese and in this video we have impoved alot in our fluency but still need to work on our pronounciation. All the little Chinese phrases we have leant so far have been included in this video such as: greetings, likes/dislikes, food & drink, telephone no., and good-bye's. When watching this video you may have noticed that the Chinese pronounciation for the word "water" is said a little differently. I do know how to properly pronounce the word "water" (shui pronounced sh-waa-y). Compared to the other pairs we only had to do 4 takes before we got it fairly perfect. Next time I will focous on trying to say simple Chinese phrases without having a book or peice of paper to assist me.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
S.A.M.S Learner T-Shirt
This is my s.a.m.s learner t-shirt. I have made it colorful to represent that all learning does'nt have to be boring. In the middle you may have noticed a person, he has a large ear to show that he is listening and a moving mouth to show that he is comunicating. As you may have noticed he is holding a magnifying glass as to represent an explorer. The day and night words represent that learning doesn't have to stop after school.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Chinese Introduction Videos
Monday, May 10, 2010
S.A.M.S Learner
Self Manager:
I am self motivated and can stay on task
I need to organise myself by bringing everything needed for the day
I can socially work with everyone
I need to ask questions if I'm not sure about something
I can think creatively and create something original
I need to learn to use different ways of presenting things
I can use different resources to find answers
I need to connect ideas and thoughts by asking for constructive critisim.
By doing all these things I will turn out to be a self motivated S.A.M.S learner.