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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Science Fair 2

Thanks to NC I have now officially got a science fair question sorted [sort of]. Out of all the catergories in the Science Fair I'm going to be doing something about "Computer Science". These are just some of the great ideas I have gotten from [listening to NC] searching in "random science fair topics" on google! :D

  • What are viruses and how do they work?
  • What "WWW" search engine works best?
  • Develop a computer program design to solve some mathematical equations
  • Design a computer mouse for people who don't have arms/hands.
  • How do web pages work?
  • Micro- computer games for the blind.
  • Create a computer program that gives people information based on their birthday
  • Life and death of a network virus
  • Does the temperature affect the performance of the computer components?
  • Determining which computer is fastest for different types of programs
  • Can computers stimulate a form of artificial life?
"Cool aye?" I'm So Excited!! :D Can't Wait To Determine My Subject! What Do You Reckon Sounds Cool? I'm Liking The Design A Computer Mouse For People Who Don't Have Arms/Hands one!! :D :]


  1. Wow Prapitha! I really like your ideas! It seems to me that you are interested in computers which is good because now you can help people like me who have no idea about computers... It might be hard doing the 'making a mouse for people with no hands' but if you are able to make it that would be so cool! And I'll try and help you as best I can!=)

  2. So, you are looking at the technology innovation side of things? I kind of share HC's concern about how you might go about designing a mouse for people with no hands. I can see the temperature's effect on computer components possibly working...

  3. interesting ideas i would like to see you make a mouse for people with arms though how would they use it? with their tounges

  4. Haha! How awesome Would That turn Out To be?? :D Nah1 Im thinking of using the brain i some way. Like in "Brainjack" they have neuro headsets.

  5. @Miss Morall But the temperature thing is simple and boring! Totally not me :D I could tweak it and change some areas but...
