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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This is our (BG and PR) second Chinese Dialoude Video. Since last term we have been learing Chinese and in this video we have impoved alot in our fluency but still need to work on our pronounciation. All the little Chinese phrases we have leant so far have been included in this video such as: greetings, likes/dislikes, food & drink, telephone no., and good-bye's. When watching this video you may have noticed that the Chinese pronounciation for the word "water" is said a little differently. I do know how to properly pronounce the word "water" (shui pronounced sh-waa-y). Compared to the other pairs we only had to do 4 takes before we got it fairly perfect. Next time I will focous on trying to say simple Chinese phrases without having a book or peice of paper to assist me.

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