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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Scientific Investigation

Topic: Crystals


  • What do you want to find out?
  • Why do you want to do the experiment?

To create different crystals using different types of salts.


  • What do you think will happen?
  • Make an educated guess from the background research you have done

My Hypothesis Is:

I do think the salts will create the different crystals because not all salts have the same ingerdients used to create them.


  • Find out and list all the equipment and resources you need

1. Different Salts

2. Spoons

3. Paper Towel

4. Boiling water

5. Measuring Cup

6. Heat Proof Glass jar

7. Mirror - Chemicals


  • Give the instructions clearly and concisely to your experiment in order, so that someone else can repeat it.

1. Create to sets of crystals using the same salts and wait for crystals to form

2. Using the research I have already gotten test out the crystals I've created

Ect. Ect.

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