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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

!!Science Fair!!

I'm actually quite glad that we're doing Science Fair this year! I'm working with HC and we still don't know what our ideal subject is going to be. So far all I've come up with is:

  • What are the most versatile aquatic plants?
  • Is time travel going to say a mere dream?
  • How do virus's work and destroy?
  • Does the color of a room affect human behavior?
  • Does rock/heavy metal music effect the rate at which a termite chews?
  • What is nuclear activity and how can it be prevented?
  • What type of herbal homemade medicine works best on infection?
  • Does plant growth differ in varying temperatures?
Please comment if you know what one HC and I could do! =] Or Maybe You Could Give Us Some Ideas Based On What I Have Written Above? ;]


  1. My first thought on looking at all your ideas is thinking about which are the topics where you will be able to actually design an experiment. Time travel, for example, could present some problems when you try to come up with an experiment:) Plant growth at varying temperatures has been done before - you would need to look at what you could do to tweak the experiment to add that element of originality. The idea about how music can impact on the rate at which a termite chews - do you have access to some termites? Perhaps some other kind of animal... Just a few thoughts - how they don't seem too discouraging!

  2. O: People Just To Let You Know I AM NOT WORKING WITH HC ANYMORE! I Repeat NOT WORKING WITH HC! :D Instead I have Decided To Work On My Own :P =]
